Poor Clare Sisters in Mission, B.C.
As cloistered contemplatives, we are a community of sisters wholly dedicated to praying for the Church and for all God's people. In liturgical and personal prayer, Saint Clare wants us to embrace as poor virgins the Poor Christ. We hold Jesus as our mirror to consider, contemplate and imitate. Our life is a life of love, a life that can be compared to the sweet fragrance of incense rising to God, who sees our love and is drawn to pour down His love and His mercy on the world. The spiritual effectiveness of our vocation finds its source in a loving union with Jesus, who gives our prayer power to move mountains, hearts and minds, and thus to change the face of the earth for the better. Through His grace we feed the hungry, heal the sick, console the lonely and abandoned, bring justice to those suffering from injustice, and raise the dead in spirit - without leaving our monastery.

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